Santos, F.A.M. & van den Berg, E. 2002. Structural dynamics of a riparian forest in Itutinga, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. 45th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, p. 162.

Abstract: All trees with diameter at ground level larger or equal 5 cm were recorded in 1993 and 1998, in 28 permanent plots of 10 x 30 m distributed in four blocks (A, B, C and D), each one covering a topographic gradient (from the streamside area to the area near the limits with the surrounding grassland). The whole community was stable in terms of number of individuals (net change rate = 0.00128; n.s.) but increased in basal area (net change rate = 0.0193; p < 0.01). Most differences, in terms of dynamics, occurred following the topographic gradient. The area close to the surrounding grassland had higher rates of recruitment (0.03490) and mortality (-0.02747). Block C, probably due to a past disturbance, is increasing in density (net change rate = 0.01287; p < 0.01) and basal area (net change rate = 0.03219; p < 0.01). The diameter distribution did not change between the two surveys. Mortality and recruitment were higher in the smallest class (5-9 cm) and lower in the 9-17 cm class. These results show that, at least for the present study, an analysis of the dynamics that does not consider the spatial variation linked to topographic gradient and disturbance history is a too simplified approach.