Portela, R.C.Q. & Santos, F.A.M. 2005. Fragment size and edge effects on litterfall and litter humidity in Atlantic rain forest fragments in south-east Brazil. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology. p. 167.

We assessed the litterfall, litter humidity, litter accumulation on the ground and canopy openness during 2001 and 2002 at the edge and interior of three small (14, 20, 29 ha) and one large (11,000 ha with three replicates) fragments of Atlantic Forest in São Paulo State. The litter production was bigger in the larger fragment, litter humidity and canopy openness did not vary with fragment size, and thickness of the litter layer was bigger in the smaller fragments. We can infer that the differences between litter fall and accumulation in the ground may be related with differences in the decomposition rate in these areas. Difference in the litter production and thickness of the litter layer was not found between fragments edges and interiors, litter humidity was bigger in the interior of the fragments, and the canopy of the forest was more opened in the edges. In the dry season there were an increase of litter production, a reduction of litter humidity and an increase of canopy openness, but did not have difference in the thickness of the litter layer.